The history of the Liberal Arts and Sciences is the history of our formation as civil-minded, empathic, and rational beings. And the purpose of such studies, historically and now? Nothing less than to imbue humanity with the capacity to generate and grow in knowledge, and thus to equip us for leading fulfilling and productive lives. Through our many programs, the dedicated faculty within the School of Arts & Sciences invite you to actively engage in the processes of intellectual curiosity and inquiry, practice collaborative problem-solving, and share in the distinctively human exploration of values and meaning.
The School of Arts & Sciences at Felician University offers you a unique environment of personalized attention in teaching and advising to assist you on your journey of intellectual and personal growth in preparation for a career. More than ever, an education in the Liberal Arts and Sciences is essential to meeting the demands of a fast-paced and ever-shrinking world. The preparation you will gain within our School will afford you the agility and nimbleness necessary to navigate 21st century workforce demands, as well as the creativity, critical thinking skills, global consciousness, and moral compass that are essential to meeting those demands.
Explore General EducationPre-Medicine and Pre-Veterinary
St. George’s University and Felician University offer students an opportunity to obtain a BS/MD degree through a joint degree program. Qualified students are able to pursue a career in medicine at St. George’s University following successful completion of a Biology Degree at Felician University. Qualified students meeting the requirements for acceptance are admitted into the MD program at St. George’s University. For more information, please contact the Office of Admissions at 201. 355-1465.
Our School offers a vast array of disciplines for study—from the Humanities to the Natural Sciences, to the Social Sciences, including Criminal Justice and Psychology. We offer degrees at the baccalaureate, masters, and doctoral levels, as well as opportunities to double-major or minor in an area of study that interests you or will enhance your expertise and skill within your chosen field of study. We also offer several opportunities for you to begin your graduate-level work during your undergraduate studies in programs such as our Criminal Justice and MBA 4+1 and the Psychology or Social & Behavioral Sciences and Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology 4+2.