Definition of Institutional Assessment at Felician University
Felician defines assessment as the systematic and ongoing process of collecting information for improving the overall effectiveness of the institution by measuring our progress towards achieving our mission. These purposes are achieved through a four-step process:
- Establish clear, measurable outcomes
- Gather data on effectiveness using various measures
- Analyze data to compare results with stated expectations
- Use results to inform decision-making in order to improve effectiveness and to allocate Institutional resources effectively
Institutional Strategic Plan
An institutional strategic plan articulates broad institutional strategic priorities grounded within the boundaries of mission, while academic, administrative and non-academic department’s operational plans articulate unit specific goals and strategies related to these priorities. In each academic, administrative, and non-academic unit the articulation of measurable outcomes assists the University in assessing progress and making improvements related to the strategic plan. The University Wide Template Model, (CWTM), is designed to guide and provide a structure for evaluation of effectiveness and use of the results. The academic, administrative and non-academic units annually review their objectives, assessment process, and outcomes, and make needed modifications and changes for the next academic year.
Assessment Processes
The apex of the assessment process at Felician University is its mission statement. The mission of the University establishes the direction for each of the University’s five goal areas and eight learning outcomes. Communicating assessment results within the context of the mission provides Felician University with the opportunity to showcase strengths and demonstrate a continuous process of an improvement-oriented culture. To accomplish this each academic, administrative and non-academic unit within the University develops and implements its own assessment plan using the University Wide Template Model. Using the CWTM is designed to systematically inform the on-going practices, planning, resource allocation, evaluating, reflecting, and communicating of unit strengths and areas for improvement. Each unit discussed in the University’s organizational structure aligns its mission, goals, actions, measures, and outcomes with the University’s mission, goals, and learning outcomes as part of the assessment feedback loop. This process focuses on the interpretation and use of measures to improve and validate the University’s mission and goals, support strategic planning, improve effectiveness, and provide a direction for resource allocation.
Felician University Mission Statement
Felician is an independent co-educational Catholic/Franciscan University founded and sponsored by the Felician Sisters to educate a diverse population of students within the framework of a liberal arts tradition. Its mission is to provide a full complement of learning experiences, reinforced with strong academic and student development programs designed to bring students to their highest potential and prepare them to meet the challenges of the new century with informed minds and understanding hearts. The enduring purpose of Felician University is to promote a love for learning, a desire for God, self-knowledge, service to others, and respect for all creation.
To accomplish this mission, Felician University has identified five goals: (Revised 2014)
- Felician University is a preeminent Catholic Felician Franciscan institution, which embodies the mission and values of our heritage.
- Felician University Engages in Community and Global Collaborations.
- Felician University seeks to graduate students with competence, character and compassion to be global citizens of leadership and service through innovative and interdisciplinary programs and services.
- Embody the values of our Felician Franciscan heritage as stewards of our assets and property within the framework of our institutional advancement efforts and our fiscal sustainability.
- Assure institutional effectiveness through innovative organizational planning.
Felician University Learning Outcomes (Revised 2014)
Graduates of Felician University will:
- Synthesize the Catholic-Franciscan spiritual and intellectual traditions as a foundation to the advancement of a just and peaceful society, and a sustainable global environment. (Faith & Reason)
- Develop a framework of values and ethics to guide reflective decision making through the pursuit of truth and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world. (Ethics, Values, and Truth)
- Communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening, speaking, and creative expression. (Communication & Expression)
- Critique information, ideas, positions, solutions, and actions, through analysis of a variety of resources to reach reasoned and supportable conclusions. Critical & Analytical Thinking)
- Utilize information from diverse sources critically, creatively, and effectively in the service of creating knowledge. (Information Literacy)
- Use technological resources creatively, ethically, legally, and with integrity. (Technological Acumen)
- Utilize and apply quantitative/qualitative and scientific methods to interpret and critically evaluate information and phenomena. (Quantitative & Scientific Reasoning)
Embrace a global perspective through engagement with concerns, trends, gifts and challenges of diverse cultures. (Global Consciousness)
Unit Assessment Timeline
This timeline is used to monitor the progress of institutional assessment efforts at Felician University. The University recognizes that adhering to an annual timeline is an assurance that institutional assessment is an ongoing process. This timeline identifies specific markers and deadlines regarding the collection, review, and dissemination of assessment information. By employing such a cycle, units can assess their progress, analyze results, implement change, and report on the completion of their annual assessment cycles.
Assessment Deliverables Timeline
This timeline is used to monitor the progress of institutional assessment efforts at Felician University. The University recognizes that adhering to an annual timeline is an assurance that institutional assessment is an ongoing process. This timeline identifies specific markers and deadlines regarding the collection, review, and dissemination of assessment information. By employing such a cycle, units can assess their progress, analyze results, implement change, and report on the completion of its annual assessment cycle.
- By the First Week of October – For the current academic year, each unit posts on their unit’s objectives/outcomes, tools/measurements, related strategic initiatives as aligned with the designated Institutional goals or learning outcomes on the designated assessment reporting site.
- By the Last week of November – Each IAC Liaison reviews the assessment templates and provides feedback when necessary.
- By June 1 – Each unit posts on the designated assessment site their outcomes analysis, actions were taken, benchmarked scores, and related strategic initiatives outcomes.
- On or before the third week of June –
IAC Liaisons review the templates; identify any issues, and prepare a report for the Vice Presidents.
IAC distributes the template draft identifying the next set of University goal(s) for the non-academic units and University’s learning outcome(s) for the academic units. - July President’s Council/Deans Meeting – overview of assessment findings are discussed