Support our team for the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s®, the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research.
Join Us on A 2-Mile Walk to End Alzheimer’s
Sunday, October 17, 2021
Walk Begins at 10:00 am
Overpeck Park
999 Challenger Road
Ridgefield Park, NJ
Contact: Dr. Daria Waszak
Making a Difference, The Felician Way.
Felician University, in support of its Catholic-Franciscan mission, created an Institute for Gerontology in 2013 to address the human, societal and health conditions of a growing elderly population in the United States.
Working in conjunction with community partners, the Institute provides educational programs, conducts research, and promotes public policy and legislative initiatives that enhance healthy aging. By involving far-reaching constituents, the Institute prepares and assists community leaders in making a difference in the lives of an aging population.
In addition, the Institute seeks to sponsor state-wide summits on aging. By engaging businesses, non-profit agencies, health care organizations, and educational partners, the Institute expects to reach a broad constituency of citizenry.
Tuition Discount for Senior Citizens Auditing a Class
- Senior Citizens (age 65 or above); must be 65 at start of class
- Take class as audit status only; on a seat availability basis; course must be running with credit earning students with empty seats
- Cost $100 per course; course fees apply for courses that require additional materials such as ART or Lab Sciences
- Registration is restricted to registration periods immediately precede the start of the term and during the drop/add time.
Our Story / The Institute for Gerontology at Felician University
Sponsored by Felician University
Dr. Steve Adubato the Aging in America Series
Bartley Healthcare CEO Talks Healthcare Challenges for Seniors
Addressing Healthcare Challenges for Seniors: Insights from Bartley Healthcare CEO! Steve Adubato is joined by the President and CEO of Bartley Healthcare, Phil Scalo, to talk about the biggest challenges...
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Dr. Steve Adubato the Aging in America Series
Christian Health Board of Trustees Appoints Dr. Elizabeth Van Dyk
Dr. Elizabeth Van Dyk Appointed to Christian Health Board of Trustees In May 2021, Dr. Elizabeth Van Dyk DNP, RN,...
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This Focus on Faculty will spotlight the work of Dr. Lauren Van Saders, a member of our School of Nursing...
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Addressing Healthcare Challenges for Seniors: Insights from Bartley Healthcare CEO! Steve Adubato is joined by the President and CEO of...
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The Felician School of Nursing was a proud recipient of an AT&T Foundation Matching Telehealth Challenge Grant to help prepare...
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