Women’s Leadership Initiative Features Friedman LLP Powerhouses

The 3rd installment of the Women’s Leadership Initiative featured Ashley Malchuk, Director of Talent Acquisitions and Jamie Bozinoski, Director of Human Resources, both who currently work for Friedman LLP. Their presentation, How to Land that Dream Internship, took place on February 16 via Zoom. 

 The two women discussed tips and tricks on interviewing including the do’s and don’ts before, during, and after the interview. Malchuk and Bozinoski are big believers of dressing for success, with Bozinoksi saying, “Dress code and appropriate attire are so important…it’s the first thing they see.”  

 Malchuk, who has over 11 years of recruiting experience, currently oversees recruiting programs and collaborates with business leaders and HR colleagues. She discussed what to do once landing the interview with advice including researching the company and interviewers, preparing questions, and if you’re virtual, selecting the best location and testing technology. She also reiterated the idea of arriving to the interview at least five minutes early offering advice that a mentor once gave to her, “If you show up on time, you’re late; if you show up early, you’re on time.” When interviewing, she suggested not fidgeting, showing interest and passion about the role, and always sending a follow-up thank you to whomever interviewed you. 

 Bozinoski, with over 18 years of professional experience maintains close working relationships with senior leadership that focuses on strategic and tactical management planning. She discussed the best qualities that companies look for in candidates like their professionalism and etiquette. She focused on the importance of communication, especially when there’s a misunderstanding, by saying, “Talking about it the best way!” and later following up with, “When in doubt, ask your questions or share your concerns verbally.” Bozinoski also highlighted the Work Product Point in her presentation which follows the four basic principles of understanding the product, meeting the deadline, communicating if you’re stuck, and checking your work before submitting. 

 The Women’s Leadership Initiative Speaker Series is an integral part of Felician’s School of Business and Information Sciences led by Dr. Joy de los Reyes. For any questions contact Dr. de los Reyes at delosreyesj@felician.edu.