Student Affairs Admin Creates COVID Community Relief

Those small yellow squares of paper with reusable adhesive known as “Post- It Notes” have been around since the late 1970’s. They are part of the working lives of many of us including Mylene Pinto, Administrative Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at Felician University.

After learning through social media how a California café is using a chalk board and Post-it Notes to help people assist their neighbors in a pay it forward way, Pinto organized a similar initiative in Springfield, where she lives.

“The idea of what I call “Pay with Post-it in Springfield” is simple,” says Pinto. “I asked the town’s residents if they would stop at or call participating stores and make a donation for a cup of coffee, a muffin, a pizza, some bagels, or a meal for someone in town who is maybe out of work or struggling financially in these challenging times.”

Mylene Pinto with Blackboard

Mylene Pinto, Administrative Assistant to the Dean of Students

Pinto got so much positive feedback for the idea she bought several chalk boards and contacted local businesses who said they would be onboard with the project.

Pay with Post-it is simple and completely anonymous explains Pinto. “The donations are put on the Post-it Notes on the chalk boards so anyone who needs a little help could remove a post-it and take it to the counter to receive some food that was pre-paid by their Springfield neighbors.

The Pay with Post-it Project aligns nicely with Felician University’s Franciscan Values, and it’s emphasis on solidarity with the poor. As Pinto puts it, “One of the lines in the beautiful prayer of St. Francis, is ‘it is in giving that we receive.’

The response from generous Springfield residents has been wonderful with many Post-it Notes now filling chalk boards at establishments around town, and Pinto hopes the idea of “Pay with Post-it” spreads to other New Jersey towns.”