Spring Semester Faculty Development Day

Felician University held a Faculty Development day January 13 titled Refuel, Refresh, and Recharge…What Does That Look Like?

The Faculty Development Day included a variety of breakaway sessions each delivered by a Felician University president focusing on a different subject.  All sessions were designed to give instructors tools on how to stay motivated while teaching and measuring learning. The sessions included, Refuel the Teaching Tank which focused on student centric roundtable discussions, Refresh the Teaching Practices focusing on Learning Centric Hands-on Practices, and Recharge the Teaching Motivation which included instructor-centered Roundtable Discussions.

Lifelong advocate for effective eLearning, Dr. Jeff Borden, who currently serves as Executive Director of the Institute for Inter-Connected Education gave the keynote for the virtual event. Professor Borden, a Davis Scholar in Residence awarded by the Akilah Institute, and a former Chief Innovation Officer, Academic Research Director (“Think Tank”) provided practical, researched, and intentional strategies for changing learning.