President’s Message: Fall 2021 Reopening

Hello Felician Falcons,

For more than a year, we have been looking forward to the time when we can reconnect in person. Now, as vaccines become more widely available and the pandemic is under greater control, we intend Felician University to be fully open in the Fall of 2021!

Academic courses will return to the classroom and faculty will conduct these classes in person. In view of the science and medical data showing the United States is moving in a direction that will enable more normalized person-to-person interface, we are very optimistic the Felician University residential program will be fully operational for our undergraduates. We are following this closely every day and will be prepared to make whatever adjustments conditions dictate, but as of now we are ready and eager to welcome you back to a campus. Programs, events, and activities will be faceto-face as we recommit to being on campus together. Staff members, who have been working staggered schedules, will be phasing in on-site operations in anticipation of the Fall semester.

A Reopen Committee has been established to guide our plans, and we will provide more details as they become available. Our planning remains based on the assumption that public health conditions will continue to improve. All economic, social, and health and safety indicators suggest that we are on the right track.

Your dedication and cooperation have ensured a safe and healthy Felician Community. The safety precautions you all followed so diligently positioned this community to fully reopen. Together, we can look to a successful in person Fall semester – living, learning and perpetuating our Felician Franciscan values for a better future for us all. Stay focused and stay in community with one another – this is our strength!

I look forward to greeting you on campus in the months ahead. Thank you!

In Veritate Felicitas,

J.W. Crawford, III
Interim President