Falcon Uzor Uchidiuno’s American Dream


Falcons Uzor Uchidiuno’s American Dream: A Story of Resilience and Success at Felician University!

Felician University Sophomore Uzor Uchidiuno always wanted to go to school in America. “That was my big dream,” says the 19-year-old who is a forward on Felician University’s Women’s Basketball team.

The Canadian resident’s dream became a reality when Felician University recruited her as a senior in high school for the Women’s Basketball team. Felician was closer to Toronto than other schools that expressed an interest in her abilities as a student athlete. “My brother goes to school in Boston, and I wanted to be close to my brother rather than far away.”

But that was just one part of the magic formula that convinced Uchidiuno to move to another country for her college career. Uchidiuno knew since her days at J. Addison High School in Toronto that she wanted to do something in the medical field because, “I love anatomy and physiology of the body and helping other people.” She became interested in physical therapy in high school after observing how athletic trainers helped players at games and Felician’s pre-professional Physical Therapy program was a perfect fit for her.

Felician’s small size was another big draw for Uchidiuno. “I am a one-on-one kind of learner, and Felician makes it possible for me to interact with teachers and ask for help if I need it.” That personalized attention is something Uchidiuno appreciates as a student athlete. “I have to balance my schedule and make sure I am keeping up with both my schoolwork and basketball and the friendly atmosphere at Felician helps make that possible,” says Uchidiuno. She also appreciates the convenience of the Felician campus saying, “Classes in Rutherford are right outside the dorm halls, and the gym is right there in case I want to go and shoot a round. Everything is convenient and that really matters.” Plus, Uchidiuno says the friendly atmosphere extends beyond her teammates. “Everyone from staff members to security guards at Felician are really friendly and you never feel left out.”

Uchidiuno attributes her comfort at Felician to head Women’s basketball coach Steve Fagan. “He was very welcoming, especially knowing that I was from another country. It wasn’t my first time in America, but Coach Fagan introduced me to my teammates, and I appreciate how he cares for the players both on and off the court.”

On the court, Uchidiuno plays with a diverse team that includes players from Spain, Sweden, and Australia and says she enjoys the wide variety of cultures. “It is cool to see the diverse backgrounds people come from and how they deal with situations, even the food they eat and the languages they speak.” Uchidiuno was initially concerned she might have trouble making friends because she is from another country, but says that worry disappeared and now her teammates, “really are like my sisters, we talk about everything with each other, and it is great.” She also appreciates that the players on the Men’s Basketball team come to the Women’s games. “It is really nice to have that kind of support and we are always at the Men’s games as well.”

Uchidiuno feels the 2021/2022 season was a good year for her, and she is hoping to build on that as her confidence as a player continues to grow. Between basketball, and the Physical therapy program Uchidiuno says coming to Felician has benefited her in every way possible and she is incredibly grateful. “It was just a wonderful decision that I choose to come to Felician.”