Felician University Corporate Responsibility Program Reporting of Non Compliance
The Program protects those who report compliance failures from retaliation, retribution, reprisal and other negative actions.
Felician Core Values
These values form the foundation from which all decisions, actions and behaviors flow.
- Respect for Human Dignity – reverence for and commitment to promoting and protecting the dignity of all persons;
- Compassion – an empathetic consciousness of others expressed in caring service;
- Transformation – support for the process that encourages an open mind and heart, leading to continuous improvement of the person and Ministry;
- Solidarity with the Poor – ensuring the needs of the poor and vulnerable are met through advocacy and action;
- Justice and Peace – forging right relationships…re-creating a sustainable environment…promoting the common good…all in the pursuit of peace.
Standards of Conduct
The Standards of Conduct support our existing policies and procedures, and apply to staff, faculty, members of the Board of Trustees, the Council of Regents. volunteers, contract labor and anyone else acting on behalf of Felician University.
- Student Rights – we are committed to honoring and protecting the rights of every student, as well as providing services with skill, concern and compassion.
- Quality of Education and Services – we are committed to providing a high quality of education and support services to our students, as well as caring and responsible service to their parents/guardians and family members.
- Compliance with Laws and Regulations – we are committed to the highest standards of business, professional and educational ethics and integrity. We will provide educational and student support services and conduct business in compliance with local, state, and federal ordinances, statutes and laws. We will comply with all administrative rules and practices as prescribed by appropriate regulatory bodies.
- Human Resources – we are committed to creating a workplace where employees are treated with respect, dignity and fairness.
- Employee Conflicts of Interest – we are committed to acting in good faith in all aspects of our work. We will avoid conflicts or the appearance of conflicts between the private interests of any employee and his or her work duties. A conflict of interest may exist whenever an employee or a related party (e.g., family member, friend, student or business associate) receives a benefit from a decision or action taken by the employee.
- Financial Practices, Billing and Record-Keeping – we are committed to maintaining timely and accurate student records, as well as accurate and truthful billing practices.
- Protection and Use of Property and Assets – we are committed to protecting the University’s assets against loss, theft, destruction and misuse.
- Reporting and Investigation – we have established a process for receiving disclosures and reports from employees who have information regarding suspected misconduct and shall be responsible for investigating any reports of suspected misconduct. Records of suspected misconduct and any subsequent investigation shall be retained confidentially.
- Non-Retaliation Policy – we will not tolerate any retribution, retaliation discipline or other negative action against an employee or student who in good faith reports a suspected issue, problem, concern or violation.
- Responsibility of Employees – all employees are expected to follow all Laws, Regulations, Policies, this Program, and the Code of Ethics. Anyone who suspects or knows about a violation must report the information.
- Responsibility of Supervisors and Managers – supervisors and managers must demonstrate and promote a commitment to ethical and legal behavior that is consistent with the University’s Mission and Values, and this program.
- Investigations by Government Agencies and Accrediting Bodies – it is our policy to cooperate with government agencies and accrediting bodies. If you are contacted by a representative of a government body or accrediting body, please contact your supervisor or manager. We shall institute a process to ensure that the appropriate individual is identified to respond to questions from government and accrediting authorities.
Code of Ethics
The Code of Ethics summarizes the expected behavior and actions of all employees and individuals affiliated with Felician Sponsored Ministries of which Felician University is a part.
- Uphold the values, ethics and mission of Felician Services, Inc., and of Felician University;
- Comply with all laws, governmental regulations, policies and Standards of Conduct of this organization;
- Conduct all activities with honesty, integrity, respect, fairness and good faith;
- Respect job-related confidences;
- Be truthful in all forms of organizational communication;
- Avoid dissemination of information that is false, misleading and deceptive, or information that would create unreasonable expectations;
- Ensure that employees are made comfortable in reporting situations they believe may conflict with this Code;
- Avoid exploitation of relationships for personal advantage;
- Avoid practicing or facilitating illegal discrimination;
- Accept no bribes, kickbacks or other similar unlawful or improper remuneration from any person or entity, for any reason at all;
- Obey, as a basic policy, all federal, state and local laws;
- Keep updated and knowledgeable of laws, regulations, policies and this Program.
Employee Obligations and Student Reporting
As an employee of Felician University, a Felician Sponsored Ministry, your obligations are to:
- Act in ways that are consistent with the processes designed in your area of responsibility.
- Question any process that you do not understand or that you think raises mission, ethical, legal or business issues.
- Discuss these issues with your supervisor or a senior administrator of Felician University. Or the Corporate Responsibility Contact at your facility.
- No bad consequences will happen to you for raising questions or issues that you think are problematic. It is your obligation. However, disciplinary action may be taken for those individuals who engage in illegal, unethical or improper activities.
- Any suggestion related to quality improvement processes in work endeavors in which you are engaged will be warmly welcomed.
- Everything in this process is designed to help us provide excellent, high quality services to those who come to our University, as well as to conform to applicable regulatory and legal requirements.
Four Step Communication and Reporting Process
If you have a question or concern about an activity being unethical or illegal, use the following process to obtain answers to your questions or to report concerns. Throughout this process, your identity will be kept confidential as outlined in the Felician Services, Inc. Corporate Responsibility Program.
- Talk to your supervisor. Your supervisor is most familiar with the Laws, Regulations, Policies, the Program, and Code of Ethics that relate to your work.
- If you are not comfortable contacting your supervisor, talk to another manager, or the Coordinator of Human Resources.
- If you have followed either 1 or 2 above, and still have questions or concerns (or if you are a student), email cachezs@felician.edu or call Stephanie Cachez, Chief Compliance Officer at Felician University, 201-355-1426; you can leave an anonymous message. Or stop by her office in the Castle on the Rutherford Campus, second floor, Office 206.
- If, for any reason, you feel you cannot follow the above steps, or do not want to give your name, call the Corporate Responsibility (CRP) Help Line. The telephone number of the CRP Help Line is 1-866-225-3253.
The Corporate Responsibility Program calls for us to create more equitable, just, accessible and effective, and efficient systems, and to act in ways that will merit the trust, confidence and respect of the communities we serve. The program includes the following components:
- Felician Core Values which help clarify our mission and values
- Standards of Conduct which increase awareness of expected conduct
- Code of Ethics which help us better understand expectations and ethical issues
- Summary of Regulatory Compliance that identifies significant laws and regulations to which we must adhere