Felician Names Valedictorian for Class of 2021

Felician University is proud to announce the valedictorian for the Class of 2021, Gianna Gencarelli. She will be receiving a Bachelor of Science in Biology at Commencement on Saturday, June 26, and will be speaking at the Baccalaureate Mass on Friday, June 25.

Gianna Gencarelli

Gianna Gencarelli

In regards to being named valedictorian, Gencarelli stated, “Honestly, I can’t even put it into words. Getting that call, I couldn’t believe it. It’s huge for me. My grandparents were immigrants from Italy and always stressed that education was the most important thing,” she continued, “being a first-generation graduate and the valedictorian, if my grandfather were still here to see it, he’d be absolutely amazed. My whole family is in shock, it’s a very big deal for us.”

Her dream to pursue medicine was confirmed by Felician University professor and former physician, Dr. Joseph Liotti who continuously motivated her. He said of Gencarelli, “She’s a hard worker, carrying 15-18 credits per semester while working and completing coursework thoroughly and on time. Gianna is a good person, mature and responsible. She will make a great Physician’s Assistant.”

A resident from Fairfield, NJ, Gencarelli was offered a scholarship from Felician and admired the smaller class sizes – a major difference compared to her large high school. She also appreciated the short trip home.

Gianna Gencarelli is currently applying to around twelve different Physician’s Assistant schools and is seeking a career in general surgery as a PA.

Felician University congratulates and wishes the best of luck to Gianna Gencarelli in all her future endeavors.

The Felician University Valedictorian honor is selected by meeting the university’s standards in the academic field. Criteria that must be met include, but are not limited to, completion of the baccalaureate degree program, one of the three highest GPAs in the graduating class, service to the university and community, a recommendation by the Academic Standing and Degrees Committee, and a recommendation by the respective school.