Timely Warning and Emergency Notification Policy

Timely Warning and Emergency Notification Policy 

The Clery Act requires institutions to issue a timely warning when a Clery crime, occurring within Clery geography, poses a serious or on-going threat to the campus community. 

If a situation arises, either on or off campus, that, in the judgment of a Senior Administrator, constitutes a campus-wide threat, a timely warning will be issued. The University will immediately notify the campus community of an emergency or dangerous situation upon confirmation that a critical situation exists. 

Please refer to our Clery Report: 2024 Felician University Fire and Safety Report 

Anyone with information suggesting that a timely warning is needed should report the circumstances to a Senior Administrator or dial Felician Telephone Operator at 201-559-6000 or call the Security Office directly at 201-559-3561. 

The notifications regarding emergencies are issued via Omnilert, our campus emergency notification app. If you do not have Omnilert account, please visit https://felician.omnilert.net/subscriber.php.